Explore Our Programs
& Resources
Explore Our Programs
& Resources
All our services and resources are free, proven effective, and designed just for you, so you have the best chance of quitting.
Even if you're not yet ready to begin the coaching program, you can still order quit medication or chat with a coach.
Program Features

Text our service for one-on-one coaching
Phone Coaching & Quit Medications
People who use phone coaching and quit medication are twice as likely to successfully quit tobacco. Our custom program is designed to give you the tools and support you need to quit for good.
- Work with a coach to design a quit plan that's right for you
- Receive encouragement through the ups and downs of quitting
- Order free quit medication such as gum, patches, or lozenges
Hey Alex - How are you feeling today?
Check In & Track Progress
Use text or email to log your progress and receive updates.
- Track your progress while in the program
- Select your check in frequency
- Receive supportive messages and reminders
Motivation for the day!
Motivational Messages
Receive motivational messages that help you stay on track.
- Decide how often you receive messages
- Customize your messages to get you through tough days
Tools & Resources

Smoking Calculator
Have you ever wondered how much you spend on tobacco? Find out how much tobacco costs you with the Smoking Calculator.

Tobacco & You
Some groups of people are impacted by tobacco in unique ways. Learn more about how quitting benefits these communities.

Quitlogix Podcast
This is a podcast for people who are thinking about, or on their journey towards a tobacco free life.
Join Our Program At Anytime
It only takes five minutes to start a new chapter in your quitting journey